Supplements in the Context of Healthy Living

Nootropics are great, and full of potential. However, it would be disingenuous of us to claim that they are wonder drugs. Our products are designed to help you feel sharper and sleep better - which they do, the evidence shows that. It is also clear, though, that our supplements work best when they stay true to their name and supplement other healthy practices, rather than replace them. On this page, we outline some healthy living tips, and how these align with some of our products.


A balanced diet is one of the cornerstones of healthy living. What you eat often determines how you feel. Look for non-processed foods with plenty of fruit, vegetables and whole grains. If your aim is to lose weight, calorie counting is key.

However, it is not just the content of your diet that is important, but also the ‘how’ and ‘when’. Generally speaking (and ignoring for a moment specific successful types of diets such as intermittent fasting or keto diets), small portion sizes and avoiding late meals are always favourable.

Nootropics have a role in dietary improvement. Acetyl-L-carnitine (ALCAR), a key ingredient in our Adapt product, for example, may improve the natural intake of l-carnitine in food items from healthy to optimal levels. That is exactly what nootropics are all about - giving you that extra bit of energy to help you go the extra mile.


We could write a ten-thousand word essay on the positive impact exercise has on almost every aspect of life. To keep it simple, for optimal health benefits you should aim to do some form of aerobic and weight-bearing physical activity each and every week.

For cardiovascular health, short 20-30 minute bursts of high-intensity aerobic activities are best, for example a run, bike ride or swim. Strength & conditioning or weight-lifting exercises are also important, especially for bone health. If a particularly busy week at work doesn’t allow for any of the above, even a brief brisk walk can do wonders for your wellbeing.

Our nootropic products can help get the most out of your exercise sessions. Thrive, for example, contains Alpha-GPC, which in addition to its memory-boosting properties also has evidence linking it to increased physical strength performance.


There are thousands of articles out there addressing the benefits of good sleep, and how to achieve it. From the type of mattress and pillow, to things you should and should not be doing in the evening, to temperature and lighting in your room - there is a reason the study of sleep is a science in itself. Below we have outlined some of our MVP tips.

It is important to know your natural sleeping position, as this dictates what type of pillow might be best for you. The right choice here may reduce neck and back stiffness and lead to more satisfying sleep. With regards to screen use in the evenings, we realise it is becoming harder and harder to avoid this as our lives increasingly revolve around the digital world. However, most devices contain in-built blue light filters (often called night modes), which have significant impacts on circadian rhythm preservation. Lastly, keep your room cool enough: The 17 to 19 degree celsius range seems optimal for most people. 

Nootropics are excellent sleep adjuncts. One of the active ingredients in our Renew product is Glycine. This amino acid has been shown to improve sleep both qualitatively (subjective ratings) and quantitatively (sleep studies), and hence may be a perfect companion in addition to the aforementioned healthy sleep practices.