What are nootropics?
Nootropics are substances, both natural and synthetic, designed to improve cognitive functions, including memory, focus, creativity, and motivation.
Is there scientific evidence behind nootropics?
Yes, all nootropics used by Peak Pursuit have studies backing their use, though not all have reached the highest levels in the evidence hierarchy. Some ingredients like certain vitamins, minerals, and herbal supplements have been shown to support cognitive health, while others yet lack rigorous multi-trial research or definitive results.
How did nootropics gain popularity?
Nootropics gained popularity as individuals sought ways to enhance their cognitive performance and productivity, particularly in competitive academic and professional environments.
Who uses nootropics?
Broadly speaking, anyone! Students, professionals, athletes, and anybody else looking to enhance their cognitive performance or address specific cognitive challenges may use nootropics.
Are nootropics natural or synthetic?
Both! Nootropics are often natural, like certain herbs and nutrients. They may also be synthetic, i.e. pharmaceutical compounds developed specifically to enhance cognitive functions.
Are nootropics safe?
Like any substance, the safety of nootropics can vary depending on the specific compound, its dosage, and the individual’s health. It is always important to read and follow the packaging instructions.
Do nootropics have side effects?
Yes, like any active substances, nootropics can have side effects. If taken properly, the risk of side effects is minimal, if not negligible.
Can I take nootropics if I have a health condition?
If you have a health condition, it is important to consult a healthcare professional before starting any nootropics. This is because nootropics can interact with medications and affect underlying health issues (though they often don’t).
Where do Peak Pursuit obtain their ingredients?
All of our ingredients are manufactured specifically for Peak Pursuit in the United States, undergoing rigorous and standardised testing before shipment to our warehouse and then your door.
How do Peak Pursuit design their nootropic products?
Our flagship products (Adapt, Thrive and Renew) are carefully crafted, combining a detailed understanding of our ingredients with critical appraisal of the scientific literature and knowledge of the market as a whole.
Can I use more than one Peak Pursuit product at the same time?
Absolutely! Our products are designed to be used individually or together – we want to cater to whatever works best for you.